Pinterest Marketing for Small Businesses

Pinterest WordPress Theme

With the ever growing popularity if social media sites, even small businesses have a better chance of marketing their business than perhaps the recent past. The economy in most western countries is still relatively tenuous but small businesses can still take advantage of social media websites to help promote their products or services.

In addition to new social media sites popping up all the time, due to the fact people use the internet more than ever, we are seeing more and more social media sites that rely on images and imagery to engage its members. More and more people are responding to, sharing, and pinning images with sites like Pinterest.

What’s interesting is Pinterest brings together visual imagery and shopping trends allowing for businesses to take advantage of combining the two mediums. Let’s say you have a series of products and create an image of each, you can post one image per day, get fans and followers to share each image eventually creating a viral surge of prospects to your sales page.

Pinterest by itself may not provide all the traffic you need but, it’s not meant to either. However, if used wisely and in conjunction with other social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. then Pinerest can very well drive enough traffic to make it worth your marketing efforts.

The Power of Pinning